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Fight Over Care at Mapaville State School Moves into Court

Mapaville, MO, January 29, 2009
Sheila Scott's severely disabled son Chandler cannot tell her what he learned at his state-run school in this Jefferson County town. Although he is 12, he cannot communicate how he is treated. So the mother started hiding a tape recorder in his wheelchair.

What she didn't hear disturbed her: no distinctive pop from the opening of a can of his PediaSure lunch, none of the familiar sounds of him eating.

What she did hear was disturbing, too. In one case, it was the sound of a school nurse ringing a bell and saying, "Watch me throw him into a seizure," and then ringing it about 30 times more.

Read the complete story here.


Copy and paste URL: http://www.stltoday.com/stltoday/news/stories.nsf/education/story/60D0FCC9EF75F2008625754D000F9054?OpenDocument

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