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Ahead Of House Vote, Private Schools Seek Restraint, Seclusion Exemption

disabilityscoop, March 2, 2010
As the House of Representatives prepares to vote Wednesday on legislation to curb restraint and seclusion in schools, private schools are working to block the bill in a move that’s catching disability advocates by surprise.

In a letter to members of the House, a group representing 80 percent of the country’s private schools said they are concerned that provisions of the bill are too far-reaching and could inhibit a teacher from “breaking up a schoolyard dust-up” or “grabbing a child about to dart into the carpool lane at dismissal.” Further, they say private schools should not be subject to this type of federal oversight.

The group called the Council for American Private Education, or CAPE, is asking members of Congress to oppose the legislation.

Read the complete story here.


Copy and paste URL: http://www.disabilityscoop.com/2010/03/02/ahead-of-house-vote-private-schools-seek-restraint-seclusion-exemption/7189/

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