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Private School Perspective: House Poised to Regulate Private Schools

Council for American Private Education, February 9, 2010
The U.S. House of Representatives is set to vote soon on legislation governing elements of a school’s disciplinary policy and practice. The House Education and Labor Committee cleared the measure February 4 by a vote of 34 to 10.

The bill (HR 4247), which deals with the seclusion and restraint of students, would affect all public schools as well as private schools whose students or teachers benefit from any federal education program (about 80 percent of Catholic schools, for example). Here are a few of the measure’s troubling provisions:

establishes detailed conditions surrounding the use of physical restraint and seclusion in schools that, ironically, could ultimately serve to harm students (see CAPE’s letter on the bill);
relates to activities as commonplace as holding back two students in a schoolyard scuffle;
requires an undetermined number of private school teachers to have special training and certification in the use of physical restraint and seclusion;
requires annual disaggregated demographic reports on the instances of the use of physical restraint and seclusion in a school.

Read the rest of the article here.
Read CAPE's Letter to the House Education and Labor Committee here.


Copy and paste URLs:
Article: http://www.capenet.org/new.html
CAPE's Letter to the House Education and Labor Committee: http://www.capenet.org/pdf/CAPEHR4247.pdf

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