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Parents of Disabled Students Say Metro District is Mistreating Their Kids

Raytown, MO, May 19,2009
A new Congressional investigation has uncovered alleged widespread abuse of special-needs children in schools, and parents in the Raytown School District says it's happening to their kids.

The report expresses serious concerns about how public schools are disciplining children with disabilities across the country. According to the report, there are alleged incidents of children being violently restrained and closed off in seclusion rooms for hours, in some cases leading to serious injury or death.

The "Booth" at Westridge Elementary School in the Raytown School District is where kids go when they act out. Carrack Norton says his son, who has Aspergers, a form of autism, is all too familiar with it.

Read the rest of the story here.


Copy and paste URL: http://www.fox4kc.com/wdaf-story-raytown-schools-abuse-051909,0,7427532.story

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