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Chicago Public Schools Should be a Wake-Up Call To Missourians

National media has been exposing alleged abuses in Chicago Public Schools. Most people are unaware that corporal punishment of school children is still allowed by law in Missouri. Missouri lawmakers should abolish corporal punishment in schools and also address the abuse of restraint and seclusion in all schools.

House Bill 96, which is making its way through the Missouri House right now DOES NEITHER. Currently The Safe Schools Act allows corporal punishment. HB 96 would also add "use of force" but neither will be defined or regulated. Your help is urgently needed to push for real reform for the safety of children attending school.

Consider contacting the Missouri House Special Standing Committee on Children and Families :
http://house.mo.gov/content.aspx?info=/bills091/commit/com488.htm and Elementary and Secondary Education Committee: http://house.mo.gov/content.aspx?info=/bills091/commit/com455.htm

And the Missouri Senate Education Committee: http://www.senate.mo.gov/09info/comm/educ.htm and the Joint Committee on Education: http://www.senate.mo.gov/09info/comm/statutory/jced.htm


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1 comment:

Happy Elf Mom (Christine) said...

Copied your entire post verbatim with link back here in hopes of getting the word out.

THANK YOU for all you do. You are truly in my prayers.

Hope meeting with reps. went well.